Hide the Decline by Radio Over Moscow (precursor to Anecdata) was released in August, 2010. A lo-fi recording of electronic/indie pop.
All songs written, recorded, mixed and mastered by D Satherley / Radio Over Moscow except ‘Killer on the Island’ written by D Satherley / R William Murphy. Recorded in 2010 in Avondale, west Auckland. Remastered in 2016.
Stream it on Spotify, Apple Music and everywhere else. Or download it from Bandcamp and get bonus tracks ‘Deja Vu’ and ‘Killer on the Island (remix)’.
‘Until the End’ was rearranged and rerecorded for Anecdata’s 2020 album Battle Thru Time; ‘Hide the Decline’ was rerecorded for 2021’s Undelete.