But Her Emails...
But Her Emails… is rough, lo-fi record written and recorded entirely written in the first month of Trump’s (hopefully last) presidency.
It was is an attempt to bottle the uncertainty and chaos of those first few weeks of the beginning of the end. Before he fired the head of the FBI, before the ‘Russia thing’ got serious, and when punching Nazis was for fun rather than survival, the administration was a goldmine of soundbites and ineptitude – documented here on songs like ‘Bowling Green Massacre’, ‘Executive Order’ and ‘Never Clever Ever’.
First single ‘Never Clever Ever’ echoes Devo in their classic period, with added ’90s guitars and killer synths.
In 2020 some of the tunes were remixed to improve the sound.
Over all however, basically a quickly recorded and rough demo-quality album with some perhaps legally dubious sampling, But Her Emails… is not on streaming.
Download the whole thing from Bandcamp and get a bonus track, a demo of ‘Man in the Street’.